Our Team

Elaine Bishop

Elaine Bishop

Practice Manager

Elaine is an experienced Practice Manager with a demonstrated history in professional training and coaching. She assists with scheduling and managing leadership assignment timelines.

Harold Hoeg

Harold Hoeg

Director of Finance & Legal

Harold works with Damien’s clients to create, manage, and finalize contracts. A CPA and CFA, his extensive experience leads to the smooth handling of the financial and legal aspects of every engagement.

Donna Chase

Donna Chase

Leadership Consultant

A fellow Hudson Institute Certified Coach, Donna has two decades of global senior executive experience and partners with Damien to conduct 360 and psychometric assessments.

Coach Network

From time to time, Damien is at capacity and unable to take on new clients. In these cases, he can provide referrals to highly qualified coaches at another leading firm.

Damien Faughnan

“Damien greatly contributed to my growth not only as a leader, but also as a person. His insight helped me see aspects of my behavior and performance to which I had been blind. Damien truly cares for his clients and is committed to them, as well as to enriching his coaching through continual self-improvement.”

Mary, President, National Bank